Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lisa Kudrow + Friends

The Lisa Kudrow doll is out and Stardoll has released more clothes in starplaza to celebrate the doll. Everyone knows Lisa Kudrow from friends, and now she is a doll.


Killah is out

Hate to say it but If I don't get any followers in the next week I will be closing down the blog, but here is what the newest stuff on Stardoll.

The Killah store is finally where the Killah clothes call home. The clothes are good but a tad on the expensive side. I like the Bunny sweater, it's my personal favourite.


Monday, July 19, 2010

Stardoll Ad?

Another day, and a stardoll ad?

I was browsing a website and found these ads:

Sorry they're a bit small, is stardoll wanting to advertise a bit more to get to that elusive 70 Million, or maybe since the makeover stardoll is trying to pick up visitors.

Also some more french clothes, these aren't as good as others, but still nice.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

More Clothes

Clothes, clothes and more clothes. Since Bastille day stardoll has been releasing major amounts of new "French" inspired clothes only 4 items today, but they are all really cute.

~ Louise

Saturday, July 17, 2010

New Free Stuff

More free stuff, a free Pig, dog, cat and more. As usual go to Here is what they look like:


More French clothes and more

More new french clothes in the starplaza, they are all, surprisingly, well priced. There is also some good non-SS items, that can be bought with that everhandy Play and Earn money. There is a couple stinkers, but most are good I like the Bisou shoes with socks, at only 5 SD.
There is also a new doll, Lorie. I will be posting some free stuff on my next post.

Friday, July 16, 2010

New Doll and more

2 posts in one day, my oh my. As most of you probably know is that stardoll has a new doll out, and some new free goodies. The new doll is Charlotte Gainsbourg:

Yes I know, Not a very big picture, this is me trying to get all you superstars to try the doll out, All non-SS have to wait a week as usual. Also there is a new Monster High goodie, A monster high blazer. Go to our friend Ruth at for the blazer and more goodies.
I just realised as I'm writing this, the DVF tribute store is gone. All of us from stardoll bid you farewell.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

50% Suite shop sale and more

Time for another post, and it's also sale time in suite shop, I would expect them to do at the start of a month, not smack bang in the middle of one. A sale is a sale right?

Also we have some more new clothes in the starplaza, 2 pages full, some more french inspired clothes. Here is a screenshot of them:

The boots are my top buy, at only 5 SD and non-SS, it's a great buy, and oh so cute.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bastille Day

It's Bastille day, the National day of France, the 14th of July. There is brand new items in the starplaza to celebrate the day.
Here is some of the new items:

Plus 3 pages more.

Hmm, but somethings wrong here, when clicking on the "New" tab, the Inspired dresses, have something wrong with them, but what?

I know, the dresses are in the corners, hasn't stardoll had this problem before, this glitch seriously needs to be fixed.

Here's some screenshots:

Also, you will be able to find a free I Love France shirt. Enjoy.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New Stardoll Blog

I've decided to start a blog, I've been on stardoll since '06 on a different account, but because of lack of useage stardoll deleted it. I know my way around, and I am almost on everyday, I will pretty much post the lastest on stardoll. I live in Australia and I was one of the first people to experience the makeover due to it only being 4 in the afternoon when it was 1 in the morning in America.
My picture is less then impressive, and this site isn't very pretty, but it's still a work in progress.
I will not be posting any free things on this blog. I will say there is free stuff, then direct you to HoupIsOnFire's blog How-To-Get-Free.
I better not ramble on for much longer and leave you with these words.

Follow Now. :]

~ Louise